Sunday, January 28, 2007

Justin Damer

filmed in under 4 hours

JOEY OWNED! hes on crutches for 2 weeks

this is why i film

this is from friday a little after i finally landed this line park rolled up and busted me nicky and asain joey he told us he was gunna smash our fucking faces in next time he caught us

Saturday, January 27, 2007

super update

this is all the homie footy weve gotten this month dig it

i had to add so much light to this we were filming in the complete darkness

i love this song, not really i wanted to make a really gay update.... throw away from this weekend

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Saturday, January 20, 2007

rats and cameron in a box, ship it to china motha fucka

today was the most odd day of my life this video will explain it. after getting kicked out of air n' space two damn security gaurds wouldnt stop talking about downstairs so i really wanna know whats upstairs. i filmed alot of the day cause i have a pulled muscle in my back so we got alot of footy. fellow friend and pirate nicky, came with us he shreds. me wayne and nicky all broke our boards today, me and wayne at convention center so we think its cursed because of what happened to andy hart there

Thursday, January 18, 2007

winter montage

its soooooo cold outside, these are some throw away and some good footy i have used or had nothin to do with it

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

703 tbog

im filmin this video and having a part the people i skate with in this video are amazing at skating and really cool people

ride till death!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

shayan will never have kids

sorry with lack of posts im dealing with two 800 point projects for school and finishing vienda this is from the last saturday sesh we had

Monday, January 8, 2007

Sunday, January 7, 2007

hey shnick

yesterday it was rainy so we hit up pan am worst place ever to have a huge group (you get kicked out easy) and worst place to have a small group (you get jacked) i filmed all yesterday since we have the fish eye again and im not that good at ledges, i took alota time to film some pirates for the pirate montage im making
by the way i hate wayne for running into me and makin me fall so bad yesterday peep it at the end

Thursday, January 4, 2007

tech tech tech

thanks for the comentary wayne theres so much i made a song for it

2 stair thuggin

dig the glasses?
this is a joke